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"Karen LaFleur has that rare ability to see beyond the limits of a simple sketch and turn it into a beautifully imagined animation that excites the eye and further draws you into the story. I find her work refreshing, original and boundless." 

Larry Milburn, Executive Producer, Milburn Media Arts, LLC

ASAP Community Dance Project with Pilobolus Dance Theater

ASAP Community Dance Project with Pilobolus Dance Theater

"Karen LaFleur's work has always buzzed with movement.  But her commitment to research, explore and experience that movement in her body through dance, has only heightened the motion in her work.  It is a pleasure to see our movement explorations manifest in her visual artwork."

Emily Kent, Education coordinator, Pilobolus Dance Theater

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SEED: Artwork & Animation by Karen LaFleur & Music by Nancy Tucker

SEED: Artwork & Animation by Karen LaFleur & Music by Nancy Tucker

FREEPLAY: Artwork & Animation by Karen LaFleur & Music by Nancy Tucker

FREEPLAY: Artwork & Animation by Karen LaFleur & Music by Nancy Tucker

STORY STAR: Artwork & Animation by Karen LaFleur & Music by Nancy Tucker

STORY STAR: Artwork & Animation by Karen LaFleur & Music by Nancy Tucker

ART IN WOOD: Artwork by Tommy Simpson, Animation by Karen LaFleur & Music by Nancy Tucker

ART IN WOOD: Artwork by Tommy Simpson, Animation by Karen LaFleur & Music by Nancy Tucker

PERDITA :Artwork & Animation by Karen LaFleur & Music by Nancy Tucker

PERDITA :Artwork & Animation by Karen LaFleur & Music by Nancy Tucker

Motion is an integral part of Karen LaFleur's creative process whether digitally rendered or traditionally captured by the tip of a brush or pencil.  Her skill in visual story telling combined with Nancy Tucker's narrative music, brings her animations to life with a fluidity of gesture and story rhythm that enriches the animations believability. Whether it's the beauty of a flying wing in slow-motion or the dizzy spin of a dancing shapes and designs, Karen LaFleur creates visual storytelling as easily as the color blue.

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Animation Sampler: Artwork, Story and Animation by Karen LaFleur © with Music by Nancy Tucker ©

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Animation:  "Story Star" by Karen LaFleur & Music by Nancy Tucker

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Karen LaFleur's animation begins with a love of drawing. a pencil-line across paper.  The sketch is then turned into pixels and digitally colored and animated on the computer. Sometimes she incorporates traditional hand-cut paper techniques.  Other times she cuts and pastes her artwork digitally.  The result combines the visual artistry of the best illustrated books and the agility of motion graphics.

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Study: Digitally Animated Puppet.

"Karen LaFleur's is a talented multi-genre artist.  A joy of movement and body expression" takes stage in all her artwork.  She translates improvisational movement seamlessly from dance floor, to drawing board, to animated screen with love, joy and passion." 

JoAnne Torti , Executive Director, ASAP.