Karen LaFleur is a digital artist, writer and animator.  Her artwork explores the resiliency of the human heart to survive in ever-shifting landscapes. Themes such as what constitutes love, reflections on fate, or the simple need to be recognized are rendered with open candor.  Each artwork combines elements of the graphic novel, the picture book and multimedia animation into an all inclusive medium.  Lyrically written and vividly rendered these artworks take the audience to places they instantly recognize but seldom articulate.

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Karen LaFleur began her artistic career as a fine artist, storyteller and observer of human nature.  She turned to the computer to channel these common interests into an all-inclusive medium.  Her artwork consists of a multi-layered computer painting often embedded with stories written by the artist.  Each artwork incorporates traditional pencil drawings, painting, digital-renderings, digital photography, found objects and typography.  Once the artwork and story are complete she animates her artwork to bring her creations to life. 

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"As a digital artist Karen LaFleur combines the excellence of fine art with the computer's boundless possibility. Her narrative art draws the viewer into a wonderful world of imagination and reveals the inside story seldom told."Elizabeth Ives Hunte…

"As a digital artist Karen LaFleur combines the excellence of fine art with the computer's boundless possibility. Her narrative art draws the viewer into a wonderful world of imagination and reveals the inside story seldom told."

Elizabeth Ives Hunter, Executive Director, Cape Cod Museum of Art

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Objects such as feathers, ribbons, antique fabrics and images of butterflies and dried flowers are often used as reference materials in Karen LaFleur's artwork.  Each item embodies a subtle beauty often overlooked by the casual eye.  She scans this hidden beauty into the computer capturing only textures and colors rather than the object itself.  Then from these colors and textures she digitally paints a world of haunting possibility.


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